Zeroing in on health

the Third European Conference on Environment and Health was recently organised in London. Ministers of health and environment from 51 countries, non-governmental organisations and professionals participated in the meet. The theme for this year's conference was Environment and Health in Partnership: Implementations of Actions for the 21st century. Originally six topics were decided on, but two were added later.

Subjects discussed at the meet were: review of environment and health in Europe; prevention and control of water-related diseases; transport and health; good environmental and health practices in the industrial sector; environmental health practices in the industry; environmental health economies; National Environment and Health Action Plans (nehaps) and local implementations of projects, climate change and health. Special emphasis was on curbing climate change and ozone depletion, unsustainable consumption and production patterns and a tendency to conceive development and economic growth as unrelated issues. The members also expressed concern over the current patterns in Europe, dominated by motor vehicles that are not eco-friendly. Acknowledging efforts and achievements of the European Environment and Health Committee (eehc), the members granted the committee an extension of five years as an advisory body. The next round of ministerial conference will be held in Ukraine in 2002.