CFM has changed the concept of community life
CFM has changed the concept of community life

What is the greatest benefit you have derived from community forest management?
There is a centuries-old monastery near our village. It was robbed of its sanctity after the forest around it was denuded. Once the community regenerated the forest, the spiritual splendour that is associated with a religious place was restored. The monastery has become the forest-users' group (FUG) committee's office now.
What are the economic benefits of protecting a forest?
The immediate benefit is availability of fodder. The villagers face problems where fuelwood is concerned as entry to the forest is restricted. But, since they know the forest belongs to them, they have decided to bear the hardship keeping the future in mind. Once the forest is harvested, the village economy will improve.
Has community forestry brought about any social changes?
Community management of forests has changed the concept of community life. Villagers do not think in terms of personal benefits. Rather, they think in terms of collective benefits. We spend the money earned from the forest in community-development works like widening of trail roads and supplying potable water.
Are there any conflicts?
The conflicts are basically regarding the forest boundary between the FUG and some individuals. We have decided to give back the forest land, which some individuals