Groundnut farming
Groundnut farming
Use of farmyard manure has resulted in a marked increase in groundnut production in India's Deccan Plateau. In a study conducted by the Centre for Research and Information on Low-External-Input and Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA), it was discovered that when manure was used as fertiliser, yields were considerably higher as compared to groundnut production from plots where chemical fertilisers were used. During the course of the research, around 12.3-17.3 metric tonnes of farmyard manure applied per hectare gave monetary returns double that of the costs incurred. However, production of such quantities of manure posed a problem as, on an average, each local farmer had about two heads of cattle producing four metric tonnes of manure annually. Nevertheless, it was seen that even if the soil was enriched with the available quantity of manure, it would be possible to reduce the area under groundnut cultivation without adversely affecting income.