Bringing water to your door step: urban water reforms for the next decade
Bringing water to your door step: urban water reforms for the next decade
This PwC report is an assessment of the multiple challenges that confront urban water supply sector in India. Presents the reform agenda across various dimensions covering financing, institutions, PPP, resource sustainability & capacity building.
In the wake of a burgeoning population and rising urbanisation, urban India is on the verge of facing a serious water challenge. As a precursor to National Water Policy 2012, PwC published a report titled "Bringing water your doorstep" which aims to assess the issues faced by the urban water supply sector in India; contemplate on the relevance of international models in the Indian context and finally present a comprehensive reform agenda covering all dimensions including financing, institutions, PPP, resource sustainability and capacity building. The report captures the multiple challenges that confront urban water supply. These range from complex institutional arrangement to poor cost recovery and inadequate incentives for changing the present method of management. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) may have good potential in addressing some of the issues, but global experience shows that unless the incentives for all stakeholders are well-aligned, relying on PPPs to solve the urban water situation may not yield the desired results.