Order of the High Court of Delhi regarding launching, introducing, selling, marketing and/or distributing the defendants’ (Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd.) drugs, i.e. CANMAb and HERTRAZ or any other biosimilar version of Trastuzumab in India

Order of the High Court of Delhi in the matter of Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Vs. Drugs Controller General Of India And Ors. dated 05/02/2014 regarding launching, introducing, selling, marketing and/or distributing the
defendants’ (Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd.) drugs, i.e. CANMAb and HERTRAZ or any other biosimilar version of Trastuzumab, in the Indian market.

Original Source: http://lobis.nic.in/dhc/MAN/judgement/06-02-2014/MAN05022014S3552014.pdf
