Draft monitoring protocol of indoor air quality
Draft monitoring protocol of indoor air quality
The number of measurements in indoor atmospheric environment is increasing due to growing number of complaints about the indoor air quality (IAQ). In the past, many such measurements are performed by researchers to test the postulated hypothesis about the effects between the complaints and the sources. The respective buildings generally characterized as ‘sick building’ and the associated illnesses are classified under ‘sick building syndromes’. The causes of the complaints may be manifold that may include technical, chemical, physical, medical, psychological, sociological and economic factors. Correspondingly, the investigation strategies in ‘sick buildings’ must also be multi-interdisciplinary (Molhave, 1986). The successful investigation depends upon the efficient coordination between various experts in such multi-factorial relations. In order to coordinate such co-operation a protocol covering sampling, analyses, prediction and evaluation become an essential tool. However, this protocol must also define the specific ‘goals’ and specify as to they are achieved in such multi-factorial environment. The multi-factorial team may consists of experts like, building managers, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) engineers, and those performing the sampling and analyses (e.g. analyst), and those making predictions of IAQ (e.g. the IAQ modelers) and lastly those making the evaluation of the building and taking decisions (e.g. the controlling authority). Besides, the protocol must further ensure proper collection and recording of all information needed for the specific goals.