How the United Nations system supports ambitious action on climate change: the United Nations system delivering as one on climate change and sustainable development
How the United Nations system supports ambitious action on climate change: the United Nations system delivering as one on climate change and sustainable development
Ahead of the Climate Summit 2014, the UN released a report, titled 'How the United Nations System Supports Ambitious Action on Climate Change: The United Nations System Delivering as One on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.' The report outlines how it is contributing to the delivery of action on climate change, and stresses that action is being coordinated across all UN agencies who are ‘delivering as one' in support of sustainable development. The report covers both climate change mitigation and adaptation, calling for a carbon-neutral future in which global average temperature increases remain below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. The report notes that there are sufficient resources, an appropriate international framework and demonstrated results in place to support further ambitious and coordinated action on climate change. The report brings in examples of action from across the UN system, addressing issues as varied as transport, forestry, agriculture and food security, and public health. Within each sector, it presents case studies on successful partnerships and projects, outlines UN commitments and frameworks for action, and notes challenges. The report also highlights UN contributions to processes such and training and capacity building, resource mobilization, science and information, and stakeholder engagement. The report is a joint publication by 40 UN agencies, funds, programmes and other entities