Karnataka Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy 2014-2019
Karnataka Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy 2014-2019
Concerned with depleting conventional energy sources, impact on climate and consistently growing energy demand, the Government of Karnataka has emphasized the importance of energy efficiency (EE) and its role in addressing the development challenges faced by the state. The Government of Karnataka had announced “The Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy 2009-14” in 2009 to promote and harness the renewable energy and energy efficiency potential in the state. Subsequently, the Government of Karnataka and KREDL have also undertaken several measures at policy, regulatory and program implementation level for promotion of EE sector in the state. With this background, the Government of Karnataka has now decided to announce a separate “Karnataka Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy 2014-2019” for the promotion and large scale deployment of energy efficiency measures in the state. This policy will provide a long term vision for driving energy efficiency and energy conservation across different consumer categories in the state and also helps the state in establishing as a leading state for deployment of large scale EE programs. This policy aims to conserve around 300 million kWh of electricity consumption and would result into avoiding fossil fuel based generation capacity addition of around 70 MW in the medium term.