Question raised in Lok Sabha on Villages in Forest Areas, 15/03/2016
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Villages in Forest Areas, 15/03/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Villages in Forest Areas, 15/03/2016. The villages in forest areas may include forest villages, old habitations, unsurveyed villages and other villages in the forests, whether recorded, notified or not into revenue villages. However, as per information available in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the State-wise details of the forest
villages in the country is given at Annexure-I. Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change is implementing the Centrally Sponsored Schemes of “Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats” and “Project Tiger” under which funds are provided to States/UTs for relocation and rehabilitation of forest villages. The State/UT-wise details of funds provided for the said purpose under the above schemes during the last three years are given at Annexure-II.