Lesotho zero hunger strategic review 2018
Lesotho zero hunger strategic review 2018

The Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC) is an international call for action made by the United Nations (UN) towards a vision of a world without hunger. It is fully aligned to the 2030 Agenda and reflects the five elements from within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The zero hunger challenge is also aligned to the Africa Union Commission’s Agenda 2063 on ‘The Africa we Want’. Lesotho is generally food deficit, hence addressing hunger is imperative and a top priority in the country’s development agenda. Overall, a large part of the population remains exposed to situations of chronic food and nutrition insecurity, especially the rural population, which is heavily dependent on subsistence farming and other rural non-farm activities. Therefore, the Government of Lesotho (GoL)’s commitment to eradication of hunger and undernutrition is infixed in the national vision 2020 and elaborated in the 2017 Food and Nutrition Security Policy (FNSP). Achieving zero hunger requires integrated approaches that respond to the multiple, interconnected causes of hunger and malnutrition. To respond to the Zero Hunger Challenge, the Government of Lesotho (GoL) commissioned the Zero Hunger Strategic Review (ZHSR). The purpose of the ZHSR was to support national efforts to accelerate actions towards eliminating food insecurity and malnutrition.