Executive summary of cumulative environmental impact assessment (CEIA) study for Chenab River basin in Himachal Pradesh

Directorate of Energy, Government of Himachal Pradesh had undertaken the task of conducting Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment (CEIA) Study for Chenab river basin in Himachal Pradesh with an objective to assess the cumulative impacts of hydropower development in the basin. State Government committed to conduct the study, in response to CWPIL No 24/09 (Shukla Committee Report), before the honourable High Court of Himachal Pradesh. The study is an important part of the World Bank‟s DPL (Development Policy Loan) to Government of Himachal Pradesh and also to meet the obligation under Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change‟s (MoEF&CC) OM No. J-11013/1/2013IA-I dated May 28, 2013, which requires state government‟s to undertake carrying capacity study of river basin within their states.