Exploring the avenues for plastic waste management

The recent study conducted by UNDP Accelerator Lab Nepal in 2020 shows that, urban areas altogether generate above 350 tons of plastic waste every day, threatening the natural ecosystem and human health. Previously, the federal Government of Nepal has enacted the Solid Waste Management Act (SWM) 2011 and Solid Waste Management Rules 2013 to maintain a clean and healthy environment by reducing the adverse effects of solid waste. Similarly, Local Government Operation Act 2015 (LGO Act) also gives a mandate to local governments to manage solid waste efficiently and effectively. As mandated by these laws, the local governments should be accountable for the services they deliver. Apart from the policies of governments, the role of the private sectors who use/produce plastics is paramount to manage plastic waste. Hence, UNDP Accelerator Lab Nepal assessed the current scenarios to explore and map the priorities of the Urban Municipalities and private sectors on their stake towards managing plastic waste.