Guidelines for the development of curricula on land governance in Africa
Guidelines for the development of curricula on land governance in Africa
The Guidelines for the Development of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa have been developed by the African Land Policy Centre (formerly the Land Policy Initiative) in order to “Build adequate human, financial, technical capacities to support land policy development and implementation” in accordance with the African Union (AU) Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa as well as associated decisions relating to the governance and management land on the continent. In supporting Member States undertake land governance reforms, the ALPC (formerly LPI) has worked closely with regional economic communities (RECs), governments and relevant stakeholders. In 2007-2009, an assessment of key land issues in the five regions in Africa was undertaken and later a Continental Stakeholder Needs Assessment was done. These studies were then followed by Capacity Needs Assessment, Capacity Development Framework and an Assessment on Industry Needs and Gaps of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa. During these studies, core areas for capacity development, entry points for intervention and actors who will facilitate the desired change in training of land professionals were identified.