The Gujarat Government issued a notification dated 08th February, 2024 that pertains to the publication of the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024, which further amends the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948, the Saurashtra Gharkhed, Tenancy Settlement and Agricultural Lands Ordinance, 1949, and the Gu

This second edition of Who Owns the World’s Land?

Across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, land is a scarce and valuable resource.

The Guidelines for the Development of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa have been developed by the African Land Policy Centre (formerly the Land Policy Initiative) in order to “Build adequate human, financial, technical capacities to support land policy development and implementation” in accordance with the African Union (AU) Declaration on

Global food systems are responsible for 80% of the world’s deforestation, 70% of freshwater use, and contribute to 40% of the planet’s degraded land, according to this report by the UNCCD.

Globally, Indigenous Peoples and local communities have long been custodians of biodiversity. Their customary territories are estimated to contain 36% of the world’s remaining intact forest landscapes and 80% of remaining biodiversity.

This summary highlights findings of three RRI studies conducted in 2020 as they relate to the DRC.

This summary highlights Kenya-specific findings of three RRI studies conducted in 2020 on: The estimated area of land and territories where the rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and Afro-descendants have not been recognized.

Through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community has recognized the need for an approach to development that considers the interdependence of human and natural systems.

Criminalisation and violence towards Indigenous Peoples are even more worrying in times of pandemics, when they are already in a more vulnerable situation due to the virus and the lack of effective access to health services, as well as lowered protection in laws and regulations that apply to Indigenous Peoples.
