Demystifying carbon emission trading system through simulation workshops in India

CEEW's effort towards engaging relevant stakeholders in the preparatory phase prior to the establishment of the Indian Carbon Market (ICM) have shown that there is a limited understanding of an Emission Trading System (ETS) among Indian stakeholders and the importance of consistent engagement through capacity-building exercises. For capacity building of the stakeholders, CEEW in partnership with Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad University and International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) organised three workshops in Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad in February 2023 for more than 200 participants. A question and answer (Q&A) session followed each workshop, which captured the relevant stakeholders' initial reactions, hopes, and concerns. This issue brief summarises the proceedings of the workshops and highlights the important questions raised by the stakeholders.