Curbing beastly agony

are the interests of humans and animals accorded equal weightage? Or, do human beings, who represent the highest form of life, have supreme rights? For the past 200 years, these questions have become points of controversy in the West, between bioscientists, who felt that animal experiments were indispensable for learning about humans, and animal lovers, who hated the suffering that the creatures were subjected to under experimentation. While arguing that it is sinful to ignore the rights of animals just because it was not human, they urged the researchers to consider whether an animal can suffer.

There is no denying that the role played by animals in the progress of medicine has been invaluable. But during the past 30-40 years, increased concern for animals among the public, as well as scientists, is changing the way in which animals are being used for research. From the 60s, efforts were on to develop alternative methods of research in order to eliminate the need for animal experiments. These efforts received financial support from both governments and private organisations. The alternatives to animal research included cell cultures, statistical techniques and epidemiological studies.

However, most research studies involving complex organ systems cannot be replaced by tissue culture and other techniques. Animal research remains a necessity, but legislation in several countries has ensured a more humane environment for animals.

The repercussions of the animal activists movement has been felt in India too. The animal welfare acts passed by several governments led to the steep increase in the cost of the care and maintenance of laboratory animals; so much so that many laboratories found themselves unable to cope with escalating expenses. Multinationals, attracted by lower costs, set up laboratories in the developing countries. Soon the animal activists turned their ire on these companies, medical colleges and institutions where dogs from municipal pounds were used for teaching and research. They were able to force the local self government to ban the practice of catching stray dogs even at the risk of spreading rabies.

They succeeded in arousing public sentiments against the use of animals in experimentation. It was not long after that the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals ( cpcsea