Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda with Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia in New Delhi on Monday. Haryana's Annual Plan for 2008-09 was pegged at Rs.6,650 crore at a meeting here on Monday between Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda. The Plan outlay includes a one-time additional Central assistance component of Rs.100 crore for the priority projects of the State. Commenting on Haryana's performance, Dr. Ahluwalia noted that the State had been recording an excellent growth rate with its overall performance much above expectations. During the Tenth Plan period it achieved a growth of 9 per cent against the target of 7.9 per cent. Accordingly, the Commission has fixed an ambitious target of 11 per cent growth during the Eleventh Plan. The State's per capita income, he said, was also much above the national average. While appreciating the efforts being made in improving the State's human development index, the Commission drew the Government's attention to the need to bridge the gaps. On fiscal performance, Dr. Ahluwalia commended the Hooda Government for reducing the fiscal deficit within the FRBM targets and transforming it in to a revenue-surplus State. Briefing the Commission on the State Government's development strategy, the Chief Minister pointed out that apart from additional resource mobilisation measures, efforts were on to further improve the social sector performance. A number of initiatives, he said, had been taken to benefit those who had not fully realised the fruits of development. He said a luxury tax was being levied on premium hotel and banquet halls and stamp duty rates for registration of sale of properties had been rationalised. To improve the quality of education, compulsory computer training is being introduced in secondary schools and