Air quality life index: annual update 2021

More than 480 million people living in the vast swathes of central, eastern and northern India, including the capital, New Delhi, endure significantly high pollution levels, said the report prepared by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC).

Air pollution is likely to reduce the life expectancy of about 40% of Indians by more than nine years, according to a report released by a U.S. research group. More than 480 million people living in the vast swathes of central, eastern and northern India, including the capital, New Delhi, endure significantly high pollution levels, said the report prepared by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC). Alarmingly, India’s high levels of air pollution have expanded geographically over time, the EPIC report said. For example, air quality has significantly worsened in the western state of Maharashtra and the central state of Madhya Pradesh, it said.