Airpocalypse IV: National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP) & Assessment of Air Pollutiion in Indian Cities

Fourth version of Airpocalypse report by Greenpeace India, has identified 231 Indian cities out of 287 with more than 52 monitoring days data in 2018 under National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP), where air pollution levels exceeded the 60 µg/m3 limits for PM10 as prescribed under National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). airpocalypse-iv-indian cities-jan 2020According to the report, Jharia in Jharkhand tops the list, faring as the most polluted city in India in terms of PM10. Delhi shows signs of improvement compared to last two years but still remains more than 3.5 times more polluted than the NAAQS and more than 11 times the WHO prescribed limits for PM10.