Atomic Minerals Concession Rules, 2016

Mines Ministry has asked the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) to provide the exploration data of areas where the occurrence of atomic minerals is less than the threshold value to expedite auction of such blocks. The recently unveiled Atomic Mineral Concession Rules (AMCR) 2016 stipulates reserving all BSM (Beach Sand Mine) deposits containing more than 0.75 per cent monazite in the THM (Total Heavy Minerals) for government-owned corporations. Mines Ministry has written a letter to the DAE urging it to expedite process of demarcating the area within the limit on a cadastral map and make the data available to states for auction of mineral blocks, a senior government official said. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMDER), unit of DAE, undertakes exploration, establishment and development of atomic minerals in the country. DAE has also informed the ministry that about 1,000 sq km of area will be available for auctioning to private firms for mining after taking into account the prescribed threshold values for atomic minerals, the official added.
