Audit report on "de-notification of land by Government and allotment of sites by Bangalore Development Authority" in Karnataka for the Year 2011-12
Audit report on "de-notification of land by Government and allotment of sites by Bangalore Development Authority" in Karnataka for the Year 2011-12
This report contains the results of examination by Audit of ‘Denotification of lands by Government and Allotment of sites by Bangalore Development Authority’. The Performance Audit was conducted during February to July 2012 covering
the period 2007-12 during which the Government had denotified 610-16½ acres of land at various stages of the acquisition process. An entry conference was held on 29 May 2012 with the Principal Secretary, Urban Development
Department (PS), in which the scope and methodology of the Performance Audit were explained. The audit sample covered the Urban Development Department Secretariat, BDA, four LAOs, Town Planning Section, Law Section, Finance and Accounts Wing, Engineering Wing, Secretary including four Deputy Secretaries and four revenue officers.