Benefits of a green economy transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Benefits of a green economy transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have experienced dramatic economic growth in the past decade, with six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world found in SSA between 2000 and 2010. Economic growth is critical to continued development and poverty reduction, but can have, as has already become visible in the region, significant environmental costs and can even hinder further long term economic growth and development, if environmentally unsustainable growth paths are continued. However greener growth is needed to allow SSA countries to continue to develop, while avoiding or reducing negative environmental impacts. This report informs on the benefits of a green economy transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper summarises key points and arguments around each of these issues and for countries, identifying the rationale, necessity and benefits of green growth and a green economy and reviewing the progress already made in SSA. The challenges that are faced are also examined and evidence provided that shows how to overcome these challenges. The study also draws illustrative case studies from across the region to give a comprehensive account of green growth strategy initiatives, their progress and their achievements in SSA.