Beyond the stocktake (Part II): clean energy technologies:

Ever since its inception, the G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) has covered a wide range of priority areas broadly spanning across clean energy, energy access and energy security. Specifically, with respect to clean energy technologies, while there exist some legacy topics such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear energy, phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies etc. that are included year after year, every successive presidency has attempted to introduce new elements. This policy brief aims to chart out the future course of action Beyond the Stocktake, highlighting aspects that can be carried forward by the presidencies that follow India. It delves into the progress made at the G20 with respect to select clean technologies with the idea of gauging how much has been covered and what remains to be done for accelerating energy transitions. In particular, the paper tables a few promising ideas for guiding the engagement structure of G20 ETWG negotiations and attempts to build a case for adopting strategies tailor made for technologies in different stages of development.