Climate change agenda for Delhi 2009-2012

This monograph by Delhi's chief secretary Rakesh Mehta aimed at reducing Delhi's carbon footprint has identified a set of 65 action points that each department of the administration would have to follow in the next three years.

As a developing mega city each citizen has to contribute to ensure that adverse impacts of global warming observed and predicted by the global scientific community, are mitigated by taking measures which help to reduce green house gases. This monograph clearly brings out the actions necessary as outlined in the Prime Minister's National Action Plan on Climate Change, and creates a framework for implementing a series of actions by different departments of the Government of Delhi. The monograph highlights the activities already being done by the government to achieve those ends and the further measures that need to be taken over the next few years.

See also: State and National Climate Change Action Plans of India

West Bengal state action plan on climate change

Draft action plan on climate change - Puducherry

Climate Change Agenda for Rajasthan (2010-2014)

Madhya Pradesh state action plan on climate change

Meghalaya state action plan on climate change: draft

Karnataka state action plan on climate change

Orissa climate change action plan 2010-2015: draft

National action plan on climate change
