Declaring area around Dalma wildlife sanctuary as eco-sensitive zone

Whereas, the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jamshedpur lies between Latitudes 22°46'30" and 22°57' N and Longitudes 86°3' 15" and 86°26'30" E in the East Singhbhum and Sariakela- Kharsawan districts of Jharkhand and extends over an area of 193.5077 square kilometers. And whereas, the Asian Elephant is the species of vital importance in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, besides, some of the most endangered species like Ratel, Wild Dog, Mouse Deer, Indian Giant Squirrel, Python, Pangolin, Serpent Eagle, etc., are also found in this Sanctuary. And whereas, the forests of this Sanctuary intercept rainfall and help recharge ground water aquifer and protect rivers and streams against siltation by minimizing soil erosion and the Sanctuary has a well knit network of 159 streams spreading throughout the Sanctuary, out of which 82 are perennial or semi perennial and the rest 77 streams are of seasonal nature, Subarnarekha River, Subarnarekha Canal and Dimna Lake are fed by these streams. And whereas, it is necessary to conserve and protect the area around the protected area of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of view.
