Diabetes atlas 2012
Diabetes atlas 2012

India has 63 million people living with diabetes and is only second to China in terms of global diabetes cases warns this Diabetes Atlas 2012 released by International Diabetes Federation today on World Diabetes Day.
World Diabetes Day 2012, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has released the latest global and regional diabetes statistics. Find out, in detail, how diabetes is affecting the world in 2012 with estimates on mortality, prevalence, expenditure and undiagnosed cases. Diabetes Atlas 2012 Update show: 471 billion USD were spent on diabetes in 2012, compared to 465 billion in 2011; 4 out of 5 people with diabetes live in low‐ and middle‐income countries; 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes lives in the Western Pacific; 1 in 4 of all diabetes deaths occur in South‐East Asia; North America spends the most healthcare dollars on diabetes; and81% of people with diabetes in Africa are undiagnosed.
See Also
Report: Take junk food out of schools: CSE.
Report: Chronic non-communicable diseases in India: reversing the tide.
Presentation: Diabetes and obesity in India: focus on lifestyles.
Factsheet: Food Safety Watch.
Report: Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2011.
Report: Status report on NCD, 2010.
Guidelines: Prevention and control of NCD.