Draft final report for project on computation of societal risk abatement cost and long run marginal financial cost with regard to dioxin and furan emission standards for common hazardous waste incinerator

Incineration of hazardous wastes is one of the sources of dioxin in the ambient air. There are a number of well established technologies to handle hazardous wastes in the form of solids, liquids, sludges, tar etc. and having a high degree of variability in characteristics.
Based on the experience in other parts of the world, particularly in case of handling hazardous waste in solid form, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has adopted the technology consisting of rotary kilns followed by secondary combustion chambers as the incineration system for hazardous wastes. The primary objectives of this study are: To determine the long-run marginal financial cost and to find out what the user will need to pay for reaching the range of alternative levels of emissions of total dioxins & furans and
Conduct a comparative study of societal risk abatement cost incurred by the Ministries / Departments concerned with mitigation of risk posed by epidemic, rail accidents and sewage exposure. These societal risk abatement costs corresponding to the environment standards (for dioxin & furan).
