Environmental clearance to POSCO project
Environmental clearance to POSCO project
Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) had granted environmental clearance on 19.7.2007 to an integrated iron and steel plant by M/s POSCO - India Pvt. Ltd. in Orissa subject to various environmental safeguards. Based on the reports submitted by a four member Committee, additional conditions were stipulated on 31st January, 2011. In an appeal filed before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) challenging the environmental clearance accorded on 19.7.2007 as well as the ordr dated 31st January, 2011 imposing additional conditions, the NGT vide its Judgment dated 30th March, 2012 has suspended the order dated 31st January, 2011 of MoEF. NGT has further directed that MoEF shall make a fresh review of the Project with specific reference to ethe observations/ apprehensions raised by the Review Committee by issuing fresh TORs.