Environmental pollution sources and their apportionment to ambient environment: A GIS-based study of Solan District
Environmental pollution sources and their apportionment to ambient environment: A GIS-based study of Solan District
The Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board (HPSPCB) has sponsored a study to IIT Kanpur (IITK) for Solan district that will cover environmental pollution sources inventory (air, water and hazardous
waste), dispersion of pollutants, drainage of wastewater discharges and fate of pollutants, apportionment of pollution sources in ambient environment and short and long term plans for restoration of environmental quality. This report is the first preliminary report that is detaining the results of air sampling in terms of parameters listed in National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the entire Solan district (at 25 locations) with
emphasis on Baddi industrial area.