Framing ecologically sound policy for dealing with linear intrusion
Framing ecologically sound policy for dealing with linear intrusion
The issues of `Framing ecologically sound policy for dealing with linear intrusion’ was discussed during the 5th Meeting of the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) held on 18th March 2010 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Minister wherein it was resolved that the Ministry would formulate necessary guidelines. The matter was thereafter taken up for discussion by the Standing Committee of NBWL, in its 22nd Meeting, and it was decided that draft guidelines with respect to laying of transmission lines and construction of roads impacting the protected areas be framed in the first instance. The Committee had assigned the task of preparation of draft guidelines to Dr Shankar Taman, NCF, Mysore and Member, NBWL. The background paper as well as the draft guidelines prepared by Dr Shankar Raman were placed for consideration of the State Committee in its 25th Meeting held on 13th June 2012.