Generating socio-economic values from renewable energies
Generating socio-economic values from renewable energies
Renewables are seen as to reconcile the urgently needed decarbonisation of energy systems and sustainable economic development. The list of possible social and economic benefits by renewable energies is long. Many of them are already empirically proven, and, throughout the world future prospects of benefits related to renewable energies are a strong argument for NDC implementation and even more ambitious climate
mitigation according to the ratchet mechanism of the Paris Agreement. Still, country-specific co-benefits assessments are often lacking. This is mainly because assessment methodologies are not adapted to specific country conditions and corresponding resource and data availabilities. The author proposes an analytical framework for selecting relevant co-benefits by introducing broad categories that can be refined according to specific country needs. After that an overview on methods for assessing socioeconomic effects is given that helps to analyse and quantify selected indicators.