Glossary of wildlife management: terms and definitions
Glossary of wildlife management: terms and definitions
To celebrate World Wildlife Day 2016, the CPW launches the Glossary of Wildlife Management Terms and Definitions. This online resource aims to raise awareness of the diverse usage and meanings of technical terms related to wildlife management and conservation. Many terms and definitions are context-specific and consensus among stakeholders is difficult to reach. The glossary intends to improve dialogue and eventually contribute towards a harmonization of wildlife terminology. The Glossary represents a valuable communication tool, that can generate a better understanding of the technical language used in different regions, as well as in institutional, local and international contexts. As a work-in-progress, it is expected that the Glossary will serve in a balanced way, to provide terms in fields like wildlife, food security and livelihoods, human–wildlife conflict and illegal/unsustainable hunting, and animal health to convey the aspects of wildlife management and conservation.