Off-grid solar market trends report 2022: state of the sector

For more than a decade, the biennial Off-Grid Solar (OGS) Market Trends Report (MTR) has been the anchor of the World Bank Lighting Global/GOGLA franchise of reports. They are the go-to source of OGS sector information for investors, industry members, policymakers, and other stakeholders. The series includes semi-annual reports that track sales and impact results by country, region, and worldwide for VeraSol Quality-Verified and other branded solar devices sold by GOGLA affiliates. Each MTR offers a deep dive into trends in the sector, alongside new research and data, to deepen understanding among market players and illuminate the pathway forward. To further improve readability, the 2022 MTR is, for the first time, in two parts. This first report will focus on the ‘State of the Sector’. The ‘State of the Sector’ report provides insights into key trends in the off-grid solar sector over the past two years, including business models, technologies, competitive landscape and funding.