Ground Water Year Book (2014–2015): Telangana state

Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India, has been carrying out ground water regime studies all over the country for generating historical data base in order to establish dynamics of ground water regime which plays a crucial role for estimation of ground water resource. In Telangana State, a total of 736 (360 dug wells and 376 Piezometers) Ground Water Monitoring wells are in existance as on 31-03-2015. The Water levels are being monitored four times in a year during May, August, November, and January. The Ground Water Year Book-2014-15 pertains to the monitoring carried out during the four monitoring periods in AAP 2014-15. The report elaborates the ground water level scenario in the State and describes the regional behaviour of water levels.
