MoEF’s Expert Appraial Committee on River Valley Projects: stage 1 and 2 environment clearance status from the minutes of EAC meetings

This document provides the decision of meetings of Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects constituted under the provisions of EIA notification 2006 during the period from Apr 2007 to Dec 2012. The document is organized region wise, comprising of North, North East, East, West and South Regions of India. Within each region, state wise information is given and within each state projects are listed river basin wise. For each project besides state, district and river basin, some basic features of the projects are given. After this, the dates of the EAC meetings where these projects were considered and main decisions taken in the EAC meetings are given. This document from the South Asia Network on Dams, RIvers & People provides further background and detailed information about the functioning of the EAC for the above mentioned period, compared to the overview information given in the accompanying SANDRP document titled “Analysis of MOEF’s EAC on RVP:
