Punjab Ground Water Extraction and Conservation Directions, 2023
Punjab Ground Water Extraction and Conservation Directions, 2023
The Government of Punjab on January 27, 2023, issued the Punjab Ground Water Extraction and Conservation Directions, 2023 under powers conferred under Section 15 (2) of the Punjab Water Resources (Management and Regulation) Act, 2020. These shall extend to the whole of the State of Punjab. The main objective of the Directions is to improve the water balance by promoting and ensuring the conservation of water by the Users. This objective will be achieved by ensuring that all Users permitted to extract groundwater shall pay volumetric Groundwater Extraction Charges and such charges shall be utilized in part for conserving water. In addition, the Users shall have the option of conserving water themselves with the approval of the Authority, and such Users (who conserve water) shall be entitled to Water-Conservation Credits as described in the Directions.