Punjab state report on cancer awareness & symptom based early detection campaign
Punjab state report on cancer awareness & symptom based early detection campaign
This first ever state-wide survey of cancer victims in Punjab has revealed high incidence of cancer in the Malwa belt, even as the cancer cases in the state are only a little more than the national average.
The first ever state-wide survey of cancer victims in Punjab has revealed high incidence of cancer in the Malwa belt, even as the cancer cases in the state are only a little more than the national average. The survey has also reported average cancer prevalence of 216 cases per lakh population and suspected cancer cases of 319 per lakh population. If these two figures are taken into account, it seems a large number of cancer cases have been going undetected till now and that cancer incidence figures in Punjab could be much more than have been reported even in this survey. According to the survey, the overall figure of 90 cases per lakh population is only slightly more than the national average of 80 cases per lakh population. The situation, however, is grim in the Malwa region. The Malwa region has reported 107 cancer cases per lakh population as compared to 88 cases per lakh in the Doaba region and 64 cases per lakh population in Majha.
See Also
Feature: Punjab, cancer capital of India.
Feature: Keeping cancer alive.
Feature: Pesticide-ridden Punjab to begin cancer registration.
Feature: Cancer state.
Report: District Faridkot pilot project report on cancer awareness campaign.
Report: Punjab govt starts cancer registry.
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