Question raised in Lok Sabha on Changes in Forest Rules, 01/03/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Changes in Forest Rules, 01/03/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Changes in Forest Rules, 01/03/2016. Use of forest land and cutting of trees standing thereon for widening of roads and execution of other non-forest activities requires prior approval of Central Government under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is given in two stages. In first stage, the proposal is agreed to in principle in which usually the conditions relating to transfer, mutation and declaration as Reserved Forest/ Protected Forest under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 of equivalent non-forest land, wherever required, for compensatory afforestation and realization of Net Present Value (NPV) and funds for raising compensatory afforestation are stipulated and after receipt of compliance report from the State Government in respect of the stipulated conditions, formal/final approval under the Act is issued. Use of forest land for non-purpose and felling of trees standing thereon is allowed only after formal/final approval under the Act is issued.