Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generic Tariff for Solid to Waste Energy Projects, 04/08/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generic Tariff for Solid to Waste Energy Projects, 04/08/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha Generic Tariff for Solid to Waste Energy Projects, 04/08/2016. Section 61(h) read with section 62 of the Electricity Act, 2003 provides for Appropriate Commission to specify terms and conditions for determination of generation tariff and for promotion of co-generation and generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy. Further, Ministry of Power has notified the revised Tariff Policy on 28.01.2016, para 6.4(1)(ii) of which provides for the Distribution Licensee(s) to mandatorily purchase, the entire power generated from Waste to Energy Plants in the State, in the ratio of their procurement of power from all sources including their own, at the tariff determined by the Appropriate Commission under section 62 of the Act.