Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Climate Change, 07/02/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Climate Change, 07/02/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Climate Change, 07/02/2017. National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) launched by ICAR is in operation since 2011 in a network mode addresses the aspect of dealing with challenges of unknown biotic stress through Real Time Pest Dynamics (RTPD) program having exploratory surveys and real time ICT based surveillance. The Real Time Pest Dynamic (RTPD) program is implemented in 25 locations across 11 states covering 12 Agro-climatic zones / 12 Agro ecological regions in four target crops (rice, pigeonpea, groundnut & tomato) under leadership of NCIPM, New Delhi since 2011. In addition to these crops RTPD program is implemented on mango under leadership of ICAR-RCER covering 120 mango orchards in six different mango growing belts viz., Ranchi in Jharkhand, Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Vengurla in Maharashtra, Paria in Gujarat, Sangareddy in Telangana and Bengaluru in Karnataka states.