Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Environmental clearances for CIL projects, 20/03/2017
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Environmental clearances for CIL projects, 20/03/2017
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Environmental clearances for CIL projects, 20/03/2017. Coal India Limited (CIL) is not facing any difficulty with the MoEF & CC in obtaining clearances for coal projects. As the process of grant of FC requires the involvement of multiple agencies and stakeholders at State level and Central level, the approval process gets delayed. As such as many as 75 proposals involving an area of 11197.65 Ha are pending at various levels for approval for Stage-I FC and 26 proposals involving an area of 3811.31 Ha are pending at various levels for approval for Stage-II FC. The details of the proposals are furnished in the Annexure.