Report on green energy corridors: transmission plan for envisaged renewable capacity

This new report by Power Grid Corporation of India, covers various studies on transmission infrastructure requirement and other related services for integration of large scale envisaged renewable capacity in 12th Plan.

India has huge potential of Renewable Energy (RE) resources such as wind, solar, hydro etc. Most of the renewable capacity is in the renewable potential rich states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh. These states contribute more than 80 to 90 % of total renewable capacity installations in the country. Various policy initiatives and fiscal incentives have created interest in developing renewable energy (RE) generation. Regulatory initiatives have also been taken to promote sale of RE power. Till recently, the quantum of RE power was small and it was presumed that connectivity with the nearest grid substation of State Transmission Utility (STU) would suffice for power evacuation and the RE power is consumed locally. The broad objectives of the comprehensive report include: Identification of transmission infrastructure for the likely capacity additions of RE based power (wind, solar and hydro) in Renewable rich states viz. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan & Himachal Pradesh during the 12th Plan period; Estimation of CAPEX requirement for the development of transmission infrastructure; and Providing strategy framework for development of a model for funding transmission infrastructure to facilitate speedy renewable power development

See Also

Report: Strategic plan for new and renewable energy sector.

Report: Report of the working group on new and renewable energy (2007-12).

Report: JNNSM - Building solar India.

Feature: Wind loses speed.

Document: CERC order dated 9 Nov 2010 on determination of generic levellised generation tariff.

Policy: Bihar policy for promotion of new and renewable energy sources 2011.

Policy: Rajasthan solar energy policy.

Policy: Solar power policy 2009.
