Report of sub group of ‘consultative group on sacred himalayas for water, livelihoods and bio cultural heritage’ on energy security in the Eastern Himalayan region states of India
Report of sub group of ‘consultative group on sacred himalayas for water, livelihoods and bio cultural heritage’ on energy security in the Eastern Himalayan region states of India
A brief detail on the findings of the results of the climate change, findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the likely effects, which may impact the energy scenario has been mentioned In the context of, Energy Security for the Eastern Himalayan States of India, the methodology adopted by the Sub Group for addressing the energy security aspect has been outlined. Though the Energy security encompasses security of various sources of Energy viz. coal, gas, Hydro, New & Renewable etc., however, for the purpose of this report the focus is on energy from Power Sector and New & Renewable Resources, as these are impacted considerably on account of Climate Change. Again in the power sector, the hydro power can be impacted on account of climate change (on account of variability of monsoon and associated river inflows), while for coal, gas & nuclear based power plants no significant impact on account of climate change has been reported. In this context, the present power supply position in the eight Eastern Himalayan Region States of India has been assessed and future power supply position is evaluated in terms of on going power sector implementation schemes and road map is charted out for energy security of these eight Eastern Himalayan Region States of India.