The role of hydroelectric power projects in the climate change: a case study of Ravi basin in Himachal Pradesh
The role of hydroelectric power projects in the climate change: a case study of Ravi basin in Himachal Pradesh
Dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihoods, cultures and spiritual existence of indigenous, tribal and illiterate people, moreover on the physical environmental conditions and on the biodiversity of the area concerned. The dam related developmental activities in Ravi catchment area have been threatening the biodiversity in the whole catchment. There are more than 50 rivulets in the Ravi catchment and on which more than 70 power projects have been planned by the government by putting biodiversity at the stake. The present paper is based on original micro field research conducted by the researcher, has been carried out in the in the lower Himalayan Region by using exploratory and descriptive method and 300 respondents have been chosen by applying simple convenient and cluster sampling methods. To analyse the impacts on climatic conditions data provided by metrological department of executing agency and viewpoint of respondents have been recorded, analyzed and interpreted.