Strengthening rule of law to advance rights and freedoms of manual scavengers in India
Strengthening rule of law to advance rights and freedoms of manual scavengers in India
To bring the sufferings of women engaged in manual scavenging (WMS) into light and to explore solutions for the same, Jal Seva Charitable Foundation (WaterAid India), in collaboration with Association for Rural and Urban Needy (ARUN) and Centre for Equity Studies (CES), supported by the European Commission (EC) undertook a project from January 2018 to March 2021 titled ‘Strengthening rule of law to advance rights and freedoms of manual scavengers in India’. As the project neared its end, an End of the Action (EOA) study was conducted by two external consultants to track the impact of the project on the beneficiaries and stakeholders and come up with recommendations for the way forward to sustain the success of the works undertaken during this project. This document was developed based on the findings and learnings from this study.