Tearing through the water landscape: evaluating environmental & social consequences of POSCO project, Odisha
Tearing through the water landscape: evaluating environmental & social consequences of POSCO project, Odisha
This is a critique by Environment Support Group of the weak review of the environmental and social impacts of the POSCO project in Orissa, and how this has resulted in making project affected communities into a 'rightless people'.
This study is an effort to deeply enquire into the circumstances and the basis for the approval of the mega POSCO project in Odisha. An array of historical evidence is surveyed to appreciate the rich biodiversity of the Jagatsinghpur region over time and the nature of relationships between communities and forests. On this basis, the environmental and social impact information of POSCO's steel-power-port components is critiqued to expose the fact that regulatory agencies could not have known anything of the short term and long term impacts of the project on the basis of the information that the company supplied to them. This report exposes the disastrous consequences of locating this mega venture in a region known to be the amongst the most vulnerable to frequent cyclonic activity in the world.
See Also
- Feature: Land acquisition for Posco...
- Feature: POSCO clearance illegal.
- Feature: POSCO unplugged.
- Order: The final order.
- Analysis: EIA of minor port, POSCO.
- Report: Majority report of the committee on POSCO.
- Report: Meena Gupta committee report.
- Report: MoEF/MoTA committee report of visit to Jagatsinghpur.
- Report: Rapid EIA for 4 MTPY integrated steel project, Orissa.