Third report on illegal mining of iron and manganese ores in the state of Goa of Justice M.B. Shah Commission of inquiry
Third report on illegal mining of iron and manganese ores in the state of Goa of Justice M.B. Shah Commission of inquiry
The Justice M B Shah Commission that probed into the iron ore and manganese trade in various states including Goa has opened a fresh pandora’s box with the tabling of its comprehensive report on the illegal mining in Goa, Odisha and Jharkhand, in the Lok Sabha. Mines Minister Narendra Singh Tomar tabled the “Third Report of the Justice M B Shah Commission of Inquiry on illegal mining of iron and manganese ores (one volume) in the State of Goa - October, 2013”, along with Memorandum of Action taken thereto in the Lok Sabha. In its report tabled in Parliament, it found illegal exports of ore during 2000-2010 worth Rs 2,747 crore from Goa and recommended not only recovery of this amount but with interest from firms and penal action.