Transition from MDGs to SDGs: addressing gender inequality through ensuring fiscal justice for women
Transition from MDGs to SDGs: addressing gender inequality through ensuring fiscal justice for women
Along with the global community, with some unfinished agenda of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), India has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) envisioning a holistic development by 2030. Among others goals, removing all forms of gender inequalities is one of the important goals and the key strategy to achieve it, as recommended in the SDGs document, is ensuring fiscal justice for women. Some affirmative policies in favour of women, in the domain of fiscal policies, are already in place in India. To achieve the SDG targets in the timeframe, these policies must be strengthened at national, sub-national as well as at the local levels. One of the key requirements, for a periodic monitoring of the progress, is producing gender segregated data at all levels.