Unprecedented floods in Srinagar and warning and forecasting of floods and environmental issues in Leh, Jammu and Pathankot
Unprecedented floods in Srinagar and warning and forecasting of floods and environmental issues in Leh, Jammu and Pathankot
Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests present this Two Hundred and Sixty-seventh Report on 'Unprecedented floods in Srinagar and warning and forecasting of floods and environmental issues in Leh, Jammu and Pathankot'. Concerned with the unprecedented floods in the context of climate change in Srinagar and failure of warning and forecasting of floods system, the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment & Forests decided to visit inter-alia to Srinagar, Leh, Jammu and Pathankot from 24th to 29th May, 2015 to interact with the concerned Central and State Government agencies as well as members of Civil Society/NGOs.