Vulnerability & adaptation experiences from Rajasthan & Andhra Pradesh: Introduction

Five case studies from India provide insights and lessons learned on possible responses to climate change in semi-arid rural areas in the states of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. They draw experience from the Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change (V&A) pilot programme, implemented 2005-2009 with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

A broad range of measures have been piloted to help poor communities reduce climate vulnerability of their water and land resources, and their agriculture and livestock-based livelihoods. Opportunities are identified for up-scaling these measures, including through integration into policies, plans and programmes at various levels.

The case studies cover five priority areas of interventions: water resources management, pasture land development, rice cultivation, community-based institutions, and village-level agro-meteorological observatories.

This document contains the introduction and case studies.

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